Monday, May 12, 2014

divine purpose

Zeitoun felt a sense of a "divine purpose" to stay back and help during Hurricane Katrina. Divine purpose is a reason behind your actions that is influenced with god. One example of divine purpose would be how Zeitoun had saved five elderly lives and felt "compelled to stay by a power beyond his own reckoning"(Zeitoun 106). Zeitoun felt a higher power leading him to stay back while his family left New Orleans. Zeiotun thinking he has a higher purpose is understandable. Saving someone's life im sure will take your mind to places where you think you were meant to be there at that very moment. If Zeitoun had not been there when that elderly woman was dangling in her apartment then just maybe she wouldnt have survived. He did have a purpose to save her life. Another example of divine purpose occurring in the text is when Zeitoun's brother Ahmad tells him to go back to his family but Zeitoun feels that "They need me here more"(Zeitoun130). In other words, Zeitoun feels that New Orleans needs him more than anything during Hurricane Katrina and he had an obligation to he there and help whoever he can help. Zeitoun's family did need him but he felt New Orleans needed him more. That's a heroic thing to do in my opinion. Most people say family comes first but he  knew his family was safe and he wanted to save lives. Is there something really wrong with that?

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