Monday, April 7, 2014

I believe New York's response to hurricane sandy was adequate because privatization schemes did not occur. Privatization schemes are when a project, land or anything else that can be privatized are handed off to private companies or individuals. In the passage Blanking the Beach from The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klen takes the tsunami in Sri Lanka and mentions how after the tsunami the government had privatization schemes in effect. She states "The newly elected government would need billions from foreign creditors to reconstruct the homes, roads, schools and railways destroyed in the storm"(Naomi Klen74).  This clearly states that after the Tsunami in Sri Lanka, the government handed out contracts to foreign companies to rebuild from the storm. This keyword can also relate to Naomi Klen's passage Super storm Sandy from The Shock Doctrine. During hurricane Sandy, Naomi Klen talks about certain individuals in New York City suggesting "many of those public works project shouldn't be public at all"(Naomi Klen129). A lot of New York City's officials believed that the reconstruction after hurricane sandy should have gone to private companies and not public companies but the law did not let them proceed with this idea. This statement is a direct relation to privatization schemes. Some government officials attempt to use a crisis like hurricane sandy and turn it into a privatization scheme is ridiculous. But thank god we have law in this country to prevent them from doing so.


  1. I like the way you think and how you out the two together Smart girl.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm not sure aggressive is the right word for this exercise! We need to have a more constructive dialogue and create a tone of friendly suggestion.

  2. Nazneen I would first like to say this is a very interesting argument when you compare the quote from Naomi Klein on 129 when regarding New York's experience with Sandy. Stating that New York City officials did not opt for privatization when reconstruction a good argument but I feel you could have elaborated on that point a bit. I would suggest giving examples on how they didn't use private companies to rebuild. You could have used the MTA as an example, they used public and governmental resources to get the train service up and running rather than using private contractors to fix the subway system. I like your use of keywords but I would have liked to have seen more of your point of view as to why you felt that "privatization schemes" are ridiculous, but all in all this was a good read.

  3. this assignment was a about the city officials response to hurricane sandy and whether we think its adequate or no? you took one side and you used one evidence which is not clear enough. its true that the city did not privatize the subway system but this doesnt mean that some contract went to privet companies. in the other hand you totally ignored the sandy story lines where we find people struggling to find a solution by themselves which is actually a big failure to the city officials. in addition to these you made a statement that i believe is wrong when you said "thanks god we have laws in the country that prevent them from doing so" here you talked about law in the country that prevent privatization???!!! what about what happened after hurricane Katrina in new Orleans. that place is part of the USA too right but still the schools went from public to privet after the reconstruction.
