Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I am writing this blog about some Sandy story lines for my English 101 class. One of the sandy story lines revolves around the Turner family and their struggle to get back into their house. Mrs.Turner was 8 months pregnant when sandy hit and she had to deal with the pressure of finding a rental home for her family as well as a load of paperwork to fix the damages to her house. She calls it the "hamster on the wheel"(sandy storyline; Mrs.Turner).  She believes they're just going to keep running and "eventually maybe we'll get off the wheel"(sandy storyline). It is like a constant run when you have to go back and forth trying to get paperwork done. Living in a rented place and still having to pay mortgage on your home. Mrs.Turner can't even walk away from the house because she still owes money. Imagine being stuck with something you don't even want. It will take up to a year before she can actually move back into her house. It must be harsh to deal with so much when you have a new born son and a daughter to take care off. I'm sure there a plenty of families who still don't have a proper place to stay after hurricane sandy. My question is why? The clean up after hurricane sandy should not take this long. Mrs.Turner and her family should not have to wait a year to get back into their homes. If just a storm like hurricane sandy can have such a big impact on Mrs.Turner and her family then just imagine when climate change really occurs and we will be having more severe storms. Just as Nordhaus William describes in his book The Climate Casino. Climate change is occurring and the worst is yet to come.

Doreen Willem ,in the sandy story line "We're Still here", is another victim of hurricane sandy. She witnessed the storm with her own two eyes. She states "I never seen anything like this in all my years"(Doreen willem sandy storyline). She describes the storm as a frightening event. The tree in front of her house was rustling back and forth and she was scared the whole entire time that the tree will fall straight into her house. Doreen had no heat or electricity for three weeks. But she decided she won't be going anywhere and she will keep cleaning her house in and out. Doreen is such a strong willed woman who stands her ground. i can interpret this because she does not complain about the fact that she has no electricity or heat but she rather states that her and her family are preparing thanksgiving at the moment. People like Doreen are good to have around because it makes everyone have a much stronger will to get thru hard times. Going thru a storm which you do not know the outcome is pretty scary. Doreen's boyfriend swam out to the front of the house to try to save the cars but was not successful. A lot of their processions had been ruined. Hurricane sandy affected people like Doreen and now she is more aware. Maybe due to hurricane sandy people can be more aware about climate change and give attention to the details. In the Climate Casino, Nordhaus talks about more awareness of the people is needed to help prevent global warming. I'm sure the victims of Hurricane Sandy can be some out of a bunch that would be willing to learn more about global warming.

1 comment:

  1. in the first video assignment you used so much from it without quoting so at some point i get lost looking for the quote marks till i realized that you tried to restate what she said using exactly same words without quotes. in the place where you used the quotes correctly you made a little mistake at the end once you put the name of the website and another one you put the name of the lady and the name of the web and i think you should put the link and the name of the person. i also did not feel the part of critical thinking because you just went straight and restate what was in the video. likewise the fist one here in the second video assignment you avoided the quote mistake and i also liked the great idea of awareness with which you attached the video to the book climate casino.
