Monday, March 17, 2014

Hi my name is Nazneen Chowdhury and I am learning about climate change in my English 101 class. we are reading the book The Climate Casino by William Nordhaus. In this book, there are a lot of graphs that portray information about climate and weather change over the years. On page 46 and 47 in the book, there are two graphs that both show temperature rising from the nineteenth century to the near future. On page 46, figure 8,  the graph shows temperatures that have been measured by thermometers by three different research groups from the year 1860 till 2012. The three groups in this graph are Hadley Centre, National climate data center and GISS. This graph shows the rise in temperature over the years and predict that the temperature will keep rising. Its amazing to see how all three research groups came out with similar results. This graph has lines going up and down, over lapping one another and showing the rise of temperature.  The second graph on page 47, figure 9, show the estimated temperature rise from year 2000 to 2100. This graph shows the temperature rise for standardized emissions, regional rice models and EMF-22 models.For this graph the results are similar for all the categories. Lines overlap each other and go in a straight diagonal line. The graph estimates, from 1900 to 2100 the global temperature will increase between 1.8 and 4.0 degrees Celsius. Both of these graphs signify that temperature levels are rising and predictions are already being made for the next ninety years. Both graphs are similar in displaying temperature rises but one is a prediction while the other has to do more with facts.

1 comment:

  1. this assignment asked to picked up a graph explain it and comment on it ( cause and effects). you did picked an important graph from the book which is one of the major concern in global warming but you missed to explain why the cause of the raise of temperature and also the effects that might come from it. in additions to that the graph on figure 8 page 46 the relation there was not linear and had dropped between 1900 and 1920 why is that?? it did not mention in the book but if you find out the reason this might push your score up.
