Monday, June 2, 2014


Today during my English 101 class, we had a podcast session. This podcast was everyone's overall take from the class and how we felt about climate change This podcast session was pretty interesting because i really got to hear everyone's input on the class. I loved hearing about James's story on what he went thru after hurricane sandy. This was the first time i really had gotten a chance to hear everybody's feelings on climate change and what they believe we should do to help climate change. Fatima's statements were so strong and clear. Fatima really wants to raise awareness of climate change and her idea of posting up banners in the subway was a very smart idea. I also believe we should have a better awareness strategy in new york city. I really enjoyed learning about this topic in my english class. I have always heard about climate change and global warming but now I'm more aware then ever. This class was one of the most interesting classes i have taken this semester and i have learned so much. I feel like now that i have received so much information on this important topic, i will raise awareness myself. Even if the awareness does not reach as far as i would hope it too. i still will spread the word. thank you professor for an amazing semester and i really did wish you taught 102 so i could have had you for fall semester as well. This podcast was a great way to hear everyones thoughts as this semester comes to a conclusion. I am happy to have met everyone in my eng 101 class.